According to NDCC 54.59.01 Information Technology means the use of hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data, and video.
Information technology also include all computers with a human interface, all computer peripherals which will not operate unless connected to a computer or network, all voice, video and data networks and the equipment, staff and purchased services necessary to operate them, all salary and benefits for staff whose job descriptions specifically includes technology functions, (network services, applications development, systems administration), all technology services provided by vendors or contractors, operating costs associated with providing information technology and all costs associated with developing, purchasing, licensing or maintaining software
Agencies may wish to include other costs at their discretion. For example, an agency may wish to include digital cameras in their IT budget even though they can be operated stand-alone. Data entry personnel may be included if they are considered part of the technology staff. Costs that are excluded above may be included if they are an integral part of a computer applications or would be difficult to break out because the costs are included with other information technology costs. There are examples of information technology such as Telephone and radio equipment and switches used for voice communications, Traditional computer applications that include data storage and programs to input, process, and output the data and others.
Ethics are considered the moral standards by which people judge behavior. However, the definition of what constitutes having “good” ethics in today’s society is often debated. Ethics are often summed up in what is considered the “golden rule” do unto others as you would have them do unto you. While this makes sense as a general rule of thumb, it does not truly offer much in terms of helping one to make moral decisions in daily life. Society often places certain standards of conduct upon the people which are governed together. Groups of people who agree about what constitutes major unethical acts, such as stealing or murder, work to have their viewpoint written into laws that govern the entire body of people. Ethics includes objectivity, honesty, integrity, carefulness, respect for intellectual property, confidentiality, responsible publication, responsible mentoring, respecting for colleagues, Social responsibility, non-discrimination, competence, legality and human subject protection.
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